Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Lecture on climate change science and politics
Caption: Surface melt on the Greenland ice sheet descending into a moulin. The moulin is a nearly vertical shaft worn in the glacier by surface water, which carries the water to the base of the ice sheet. See this science article which explains the dynamics of global warming in detail.
Climate Change: a scientific and political overview of the new IPCC report and the Canadian political terrain
A lecture by Dr. Danny Harvey, climate scientist and member of the IPCC
Wed. Nov. 28, 6:00 p.m. Hart House (east common room)
Prof. Harvey will give an illuminating slideshow on the current science of climate change, its catastrophic implications for the natural world and human societies, and comment on the political implications. Specifically he will address what the Canadian government can and ought be doing to mitigate climate change, and provide an overview of some the major political controversies, as well as discuss solutions.
Dr. Harvey teaches at the Department of Geography at University of Toronto. He has been a climate scientist for 30 years, and has published in peer-reviewed journals, including Climactic Change (2007) on the topic.
This event is hosted by Students Against Climate Change: 416-922-0035
Please post these items. Thank you.
Further to the Lomborg lecture, next Thursday. For those planning to attend the following information may be of interest. It has been compiled by Students Against Climate Change for public distribution.
Lomborg has been found guilty of scientific dishonesty by a panel of scientists in Denmark, his native country:
Lomborg's errors.
Nobel winning scientist Edward O. Wilson says Lomborg is distorting the truth on climate change and mass extinction:
Edward O. Wilson on Lomborg
Lomorg argues against mitigation of climate change, but the latest IPCC report urges immediate action on this issue to avoid catastrophe:
article on IPCC report"
It is therefore irresponsible and morally reprehensible for Lomborg to suggest that we avoid taking immediate action on climate change.
Lomborg's idea that the cost of mitigating global warming is not economically vialbe is wrong.
The Stern Report shows that if we do nothing the economic costs will be far greater.
Not acting will condemn tens of millions of human beings and half the animal species on Earth to death, through drought, disease, flooding, etc.
Government inaction means that they will occur. The science is very clear on this. See Stern Report:
Stern Report conclusions
To put it bluntly, Lomborg is defending the political agenda that best serves the fossil fuel industries, which have a hand in promoting his worldlwide lectures.
The Frasier Institute, which is bringing Lomborg to Toronto, is an ultra-right group known to have hosted climate change deniers:
Frasier Institute and fossil fuel industry
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