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We are a University of Toronto campus club. We support 100% renewable energy and conservation, and oppose coal, nuclear and other centralized hi-tech solutions to climate change. We oppose the following: greenwash, climate change denial, destuction of the natural world, governments that allow this destruction to continue. We envision an ethical global community in which social justice for all (including aboriginal peoples) and respect for Mother Earth and her children is the norm.
Protest Barrick An international site dedicated to worldwide struggles by poor and indigenous people against Barrick Gold's global operations. Has photos of local (Toronto) actions against Barrick organized by Students Against Climate Change
Mining Watch Canada News and resistance to the Canadian mining industry
Earth First! Journal Journal of Earth Liberation Front (ELF). Very radical decentralized movement dedicated to ecotage and disruption of industrial society for the sake of the natural world; ideologically close and Animal Liberation Front (ALF).
Sea Sheppard Society Sometimes said to be the marine division of ELF.
OCAP Southern Ontario pseudo-anarchist radical action group for the poor and oppressed. At the forefront of revolutionary activity.
Tenant Action Group - Belleville Belleville division OCAP, focused on tenants' rights. Sam Kuhn, jailed last year for trashing PC MPP Ernie Parsons' office, is a founder.
Corpwatch Good site for info. on exposing corporate greed and hypocrisy.
Greenspiration Toronto-based site run by Angela Bischoff - focused on radical non-violent environmental activism and fighting pharmaceutical drug companies.
Climate and Capitalism A lot of good articles on climate change, from an eco-socialist perspective
"Uranium News" from Sharbot lake fight Main site of the community movement opposing the uranium mine at Sharbot Lake. Gives daily bulletins on events.
Thomas Berry's site His essays on the need to move into a biocentric Ecological Age. Very inspiring. The 'big' picture of our struggle.
Derrick Jensen's site Jensen's 20 premises are a must-read. He advocated ecotage and radical breaks from industrial society. He is also very funny and though-provoking.
De Smog Blog Exposes the lies of the climate deniers and skeptics by showing their funding sources (fossil fuel industries)
Ardoch Algonquin First Nation Part of the Sharbot Lake anti-uranium fight
The Oil Drum Peak oil / energy news and views - the main worldwide site for this issue
Climate ethics Commentary site by academic ethicists on climate change science and policymaking
George Monbiot's column Great articles on climate change with a social justice element. Has a UK focus in many articles
Green Anarchy Radical site, similar to ELF
Tribal Climate Native American site from U.S. dedicated to climate justice
How to save the world Very thoughtful blog on climate science and policy
Toronto Climate Campaign Toronto based group - did the D8 rally - now doing Earth Day rally
Global Climate Campaign UK site for dissemination of climate rally news worldwide - many good photos of rallies
Renewable Is Doable Ontario ENGO site showing that 100% wind power is possible in Ontario; against nuclear power
Ecosanity Radical group that does non-violent civil disobedience - run by Glenn MacIntosh - videos of some good disruptions!
Step It Up U.S. based group that promotes rallies for c.c. action, headed by author Bill McKibben
Homes Not Bombs Not up to date, but gives you an impression of Toronto-based non-violent civil disobedience group dedicated to social and environmental justice - very inspirational and educational - has sections on the Security Certificates fight by Matthew Behrens, who is a major figure in that fight to protect Muslims from CSIS and the courts
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